• 2020 February 12 18:27

    VPLP and CNIM developed OceanWings sail designs as wind propulsion for yachts and merchant ships

    DNV GL says that two French companies – VPLP, a naval architectural firm founded by Marc Van Peteghem and Vincent Lauriot-Prévost, and engineering firm CNIM have developed a new wing sail concept called OceanWings, based on an existing VPLP idea, DNV GL says in its press release.

    From plane to ship
    In recent years a number of attempts have been made to combine the propulsion principle of traditional sailing boats with the aerodynamic efficiency of an aeroplane wing with the trailing edge flap extended for starting or landing. “There is a slot between the two elements of the wing, and the air going through the slot accelerates the flow and pushes the turbulence towards the trailing edge”, explains Marc Van Peteghem, naval architect and co-founder of VPLP Design. While in the case of an aeroplane, the thrust created by the engine moves the craft against the air, causing the airflow to divide at the wings and generate the uplift force, the principle is reversed in the case of a sailing boat: the wind hits the sail rather than the sail being pushed against the wind. The physics is the same, however. Transferring the two-part concept of the plane wing and flap to a sailing boat results in a wing sail, which consists of two vertical, more or less symmetric, parallel “blades” or “wings” with a narrow gap between them. The gap splits and redirects the airflow again, reinforcing the aerodynamic effect and producing an additional thrust.

    The concept has been the subject of various experimental designs for some time, including inflatable as well as rigid or segmented hard-shell prototypes. While significant efficiency improvements have been achieved, controlling and reefing the sail has been complicated, requiring exceptional skill and experience.

    Automated handling
    The OceanWings design takes a slightly different approach: each of the two straight blades has a mast of its own and consists of several horizontal segments, the “body” of each segment formed by a flexible fabric. Raising or lowering these segments along the mast allows the surface of the sail to be increased or reduced, or “reefed”, and lowering all segments to the lowermost position “furls” the sail entirely. The angle between the two parts of the sail can be adjusted as desired; each blade can rotate 360 degrees around its mast.
    The second key element of the OceanWings concept is that the complications associated with finding the proper position for the given wind condition and desired direction of travel is eliminated because the entire wing sail is fully computer controlled. All the operator needs to do is choose the heading, and the computer will position the two parts of the sail to achieve optimum thrust, adjusting the camber and twist as required. The sail has been tested successfully on VPLP yachts, including the hydrogen fuel-cell co-powered catamaran Energy Observer launched in 2017, and is commercially available. According to Marc Van Peteghem, OceanWings sails can reduce fuel consumption by 18 to 42 per cent, depending on ship type, route and sail arrangement

    Marc Van Peteghem, DNV GL Naval architect and co-founder of VPLP Design says: "It is time to transfer the technology we have developed in the yachting industry to the shipping industry. A wing sail could be installed on any ship where it is freely exposed to the wind."

    Advisory and certification services

    “A wing sail could be installed on any ship where it is freely exposed to the wind,” says Van Peteghem. Once a new wind propulsion concept enters the commercial stage, it is the responsibility of class to ensure the system is safe and reliable, he adds.
    DNV GL certainly has the required expertise and engineering know-how in this field, says Hasso Hoffmeister, Senior Principal Engineer at DNV GL. “Among the advantages of a wing sail is that its three-dimensional cross section improves its aerodynamic efficiency compared with a conventional sail. Therefore it achieves considerably more thrust per square metre of sail surface area.” On the other hand, the forces acting on any sail not only push in the forward direction but also sideways, which means the stability of the ship must be considered when sizing the sail surface area. “But sails intended to provide auxiliary propulsion on a large merchant vessel would typically be small enough to avoid any negative impact on stability,” says Hoffmeister. “Depending on the relative dominance of a sail system and whether it is a new design or a retrofit, a ship design may be worth optimizing for wind propulsion efficiency.” An example is Dykstra Naval Architects’ proposed sailing cargo ship concept “WASP”, designed for a very large sail surface and therefore with an appropriate hull form. A DNV GL certification standard for such ships has been published in November 2019, called DNVGL-ST 0511 'Wind assisted Propulsion Systems'.

    Projects like the recent successful rotor sail installations by the MariGreen consortium and Norsepower, both with DNV GL certification, as well as OceanWings and other sail types have delivered encouraging results. To support these efforts DNV GL also published its new class notation 'Wind assisted propulsion systems' in 2019. What the industry needs now is substantial capital investments in these proven wind technologies so they can enter the mainstream and unfold their carbon abatement and fuel-saving potential.

    DNV GL currently offers three services relevant for wind propulsion systems. Its independent maritime advisory network has unique expertise in calculating the amount of auxiliary propulsion power or fuel savings specific wind systems will generate on a specific ship on a given route. This is done using simulations and route-specific weather statistics, and the results for various sail systems can be compared to determine the most efficient one. The second service is EEDI calculation for a given hybrid propulsion configuration; including wind assistance in this calculation is expressly permissible under IMO statutes, Hasso Hoffmeister stresses. The third service is the new class notation involving technical certification and approval of the safety, structural stability and resilience under extreme conditions of a ship using auxiliary sails. This procedure is based on class rules and includes control and monitoring systems as well as the integration of the sail system into the ship. “The technology is there, and we offer the necessary independent advisory and approval services,” says Hoffmeister. “It is up to the shipping industry to seize these opportunities.”

18 мая 2024

14:28 Танкер загорелся у берегов Йемена после попадания ракеты
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09:01 Введен временный запрет на вывоз отходов и лома драгоценных металлов из России
08:38 Противолодочный корабль «Уренгой» провел тренировки по отражению атак в Калининградской области
08:08 Глава правительства РФ Михаил Мишустин утвердил распределение обязанностей между заместителями
08:06 Десантный корабль «Мордовия» выполнил учебные стрельбы
08:00 АСОП поздравляет с юбилеем Артура Седова!
07:45 ИАА «ПортНьюс» поздравляет с юбилеем управляющего директора АО «Ростерминалуголь» Артура Седова!

17 мая 2024

19:00 На Панамском канале в апреле 2024 года отмечено снижение потребления бункерного топлива
18:41 Морспасслужба рассчитывает получить 16 судов для работы на СМП в 2025 году
18:23 Туапсинский балкерный терминал в апреле 2024 года увеличил погрузку минудобрений на суда на 50%
18:08 Марат Хуснуллин: Планируется максимальное развитие водных путей для обеспечения связи между портами Каспия
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17:45 Итоги недели с ПортНьюс 13-17 мая
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16:34 Грузоперевозки в Беломорско-Онежском бассейне с начала навигации 2024 года к середине мая снизились на 16,4%
16:17 Газпром надеется получить от СНСЗ законченный проект спасательной шлюпки через несколько лет
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12:56 Флот Севмаша (Архангельская область) открыл навигацию 2024 года
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11:29 Владимир Путин: Россия готова предоставить инвесторам из КНР экономические льготы
11:10 ГТЛК проавансировала строительство 12 барж и 3 буксиров на Череповецком судостроительном заводе
10:48 На Городецком гидроузле проведено регулярное обследование шлюзов, плотин и дамб
10:33 Росморпорт планирует доковый ремонт дизель-электрического ледокола «Капитан Чудинов»
10:07 Теплоход «Адмирал Невельской» вернулся на линию Корсаков ‒ Курилы после ремонта
09:46 Суда FESCO в мае 2024 года совершат 5 рейсов во Вьетнам
09:24 «K» Line опробовала биотопливо марки B100 при рейсе морского автовоза Apollon Highway
09:02 ФГБУ «ГлавСевморпуть» призывает к совместному изучению ледового сжатия при судоходстве по СМП
08:39 В Астраханском вузе Росрыболовства провели испытания нового подводного робота
08:21 ААНИИ завершил первый этап модернизации автоматизированной ледово-информационной системы «Север»
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16 мая 2024

19:00 РС объявил конкурс 2024 года на лучшую выпускную квалификационную работу
18:48 ААНИИ в 2024 году планирует открыть 58 станций мониторинга вечной мерзлоты
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18:24 ААНИИ: Принципиально тяжелых ледовых условий для летней навигации 2024 года на СМП не ожидается
18:11 Универсальный паром «Антей» отправился в первый рейс на линии Усть-Луга — Балтийск
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15:16 Перевозка экспортных удобрений по сети РЖД в январе-апреле 2024 года выросла на 20,7% — до 10,7 млн тонн
14:54 Исследование: Более 95% наиболее распространенных скрубберов окупаются за 5 лет
14:29 Перевозки контейнеров на СКЖД в январе-апреле 2024 года снизились на 7,1%
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13:13 Опыт Гуанчжоу поможет Хабаровскому краю в развитии транспортного узла Ванино и Советской Гавани
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12:34 Росимущество передало региону 18 участков и 9 объектов в порту Магадан для создания рыбного порта
12:18 Мурманский морской торговый порт готовится ввести в эксплуатацию новый грейферный погрузчик
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11:39 Судостроительный проект «Норебо» в Ленобласти возглавил Алексей Тоболев
11:24 Для морских терминалов «Глобал Портс» на Северо-Западе закуплены два новых перегружателя-ричстакера
11:03 Морспасслужба получит 6 ТНПА в составе строящихся специализированных судов
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