Conducting experiments for Roshydromet

State Hydrological Institute told journalists about scientific experiments for weather observers, water engineers, ecologists held SHI laboratories.

The key activity of the institute is methodological support of Russia’s hydrological networks. The scientists study floods, droughts, high/low water levels, water availability and pollution. Russia numbers over 2.5 million rivers and the same number of lakes as well as dozens of thousands of water reservoirs. Those water bodies should be studied and monitored.

There are over 3,000 hydrological stations operating round-the-clock. Experiments on river simulation models let evaluate consequences of construction works or develop a plan for reconstruction of water facility. 

State Hydrological Institute has a unique experimental facilities including Lammin-Suo Marsh Station, the Valday branch of SHI and the Main Experimental Base in Ilyichyovo. They are used for hydrological research and forecasting. This monitoring is focused on operational objectives and strategic tasks ensuring construction of hydraulic engineering facilities – jetties, dams, embankments and bridges. Those works require careful calculations based on accurate hydrological data.

IAA PortNews offers photo release from SHI Channel Laboratory prepared by PortNews correspondent, Natalya Kuritsyna.